Saturday May 7th. at the Everson Ranch.
The ranch will open at 9:30am. We are starting to work at 10:00am and as long as people like to help that day.
"This is an invitation to participate in an international, annual event where gardeners and non gardeners come together to celebrate gardening in the open. Usually it is a fun, lighthearted and a liberating experience.
You can wear as much or as little clothing as you wish. You might want to dress in layers since the weather in early May at the Everson Ranch is unpredictable. Could be mild and comfortable but it could also be windy and cool. Precipitation, rain or snow, is also a possibility.
Please bring: sunscreen, sun hat, sun glasses, water bottle, solid shoes, and gardening gloves. Because we are still dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, also bring your face mask. You might like to bring your lunch to enjoy after gardening. After lunch there will be a tour of the ranch for those that would like to stay longer.
It is still not known how much we will be open to visitors and guests this year. We could use your help in the greenhouses, the garden and grounds keeping."
Please join us!